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jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016


We sometimes need mechanisms that can absorb, accumulate or dissipate the energy that they receive.

6.1. Accumulation: springs
Springs are flexible devices that absorb energy when we apply force to them. Then we can release the energy in a controlled way.
  • We push on compression springs. We find these springs in sofas.
Imagen relacionada
  • We pull on traction springs. We find them in metallic bed frames.
Resultado de imagen de traction springs
  • We bend torsion springs. We see these springs in clothes pins.
Resultado de imagen de torsion springs
Uses: There are often springs in sofas, beds, industrial and domestic machines, spring-operated pens, watches, clocks and toys.

5.2. Dissipation: suspension systems
Car suspension systems are useful because they absorb and dissipate motion when the road is bumpy.
  • Shock absorbers are usually made with spiral steel springs.
                                                      Resultado de imagen de shock absorbers
  • Leaf springs are made with long, curved pieces of steel of different lengths placed on top of each other and joined in the middle.
Resultado de imagen de leaf springs


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