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domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016



 The most common sources of online information are web pages and news feeds.

  2.1 Web pages 

 A web page is a collection of documents that can include text, audio, video, images and hypertext links to other we pages. A browser is a program that locates a web page by its address and lets users access the content. For example,Youtube and Daily Motion allow users to upload videos, create their own channels and subscribe to the channels of other users.
Resultado de imagen de youtubeResultado de imagen de dailymotion

A search engine is a web page with a database of information about other web pages and their   content. 

2.2 News feeds: Rich Site Summary (RSS)

Rich Site Summary (RSS) is a subscription service that provides users with frequent updates from media websites, blogs and other sources of information.

RSS news feeds are convenient and time-saving. Since subscribers receive the news automatically,   they do not have to visit so many websites. People can subscribe in two ways:
  • Directly from the web page, by clicking on a 'subscribe' icon.

  • Through a news aggregator program, such as Old Reader, RSS Reader or Netvibes. More modern programs, such as Feedly, can be downloaded to smartphones with Android or iOS operating systems. 

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